Thursday, February 18, 2010

Technology and Creating a Lesson

"Educating our youth for the digital age requires teaching that it is not infused with the latest in technology tools, but that also develops digital citizens who are able to use technology to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information to think critically and creatively, to problem solve and make decisions, and to collaborate with others while engaged in learning experiences" (Gibson, & Dyck, 2009). When I first read this quote I saw the connection it had to how I felt about creating the lesson using the ASSURE model. This quote expresses that educating is important when teaching but as teachers helping our students understand the connection between technology and using it in their daily lives is what makes teaching technology so important. For me creating the lesson plan helped me learn how to use the ASSURE model, encouraged me use new technology tools, and helped me make a connection to the NET*S standards.
First of all, when I was assigned the assignment to create a lesson plan using the assure model I had a lot to do before I could get started. I did not know what creating an assure lesson was about. So, I had to go online and research what it was about. I also looked at some examples provided by other educator's who used the ASSURE model to design a lesson. I came to understand that the ASSURE model was creating a lesson that is organized in six different categories. They are analyze learners, state objectives, select instructional methods, media, and materials, utilize media and materials, require learner participation, and evaluate and revise. I was able to create my own lesson plan using the ASSURE model after I researched what it was about.
Continuing on, the six different categories that made the ASSURE model helped me incorporate technology into my lesson plan. Therefore, I feel that the ASSURE model is a great tool. This to me is because the different categories have a relation to the quote stated earlier. The first step of the ASSURE model is to analyze learners. As the quote stated earlier it is important to teach technology so that the students can utilize what they learned. This is why it is important for me to know who the students are and what they are capable of. Then I can create and modify the lesson based on the students needs. Also, the ASSURE model requires me to select objectives. This again relates to the quote because I need to know what will be the benefits of the lesson and what the students will learn. An important concern should be would the students be able to use what they learned beneficially. The ASSURE model also states that a teacher needs to select instructional methods, media, and materials and also utilize materials. This relates to the quote because it shows that I need to think about what types of technology I will use in my lesson and how the students will go about using it. Lastly, the lesson needs to require learner participation. This will allow students to consider what they did and absorb what they learned when communicating it with others. This in turn as the quote earlier mentioned will develop "digital citizens who are able to use technology to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information to think critically and creatively, to problem solve and make decisions, and to collaborate with others while engaged in learning experiences" (Gibson, & Dyck, 2009).
Secondly creating this lesson allowed me to use different types of technology. I took BA -130 which was a computer applications class. In this class we learned how to use Microsoft excel and I learned a lot. However, after I took that class I did not utilized Microsoft excel until I was working on creating my lesson plan. So, creating my lesson helped use the technology skills I have in excel. Also, as mentioned previously I had to do research to find out what the assure model was before I could start my lesson plan. I have always stuck to using google when doing research on the computer. However, in the beginning of this class I learned that other effective search engines are available. So, while doing the research I used dogpile and AskJeeves. I was able to remove my restricted belief that google was the only effective search engine. Lastly the reflection is required to be submitted using my blog. So, as an outcome of writing the reflection and submitting it I was able to learn how to create a blog and post and submit information using my blog.
Lastly, this lesson plan has encouraged me to think about how creating a lesson plan using the assure model relates to the NET*S. According to the NET*S 2b teachers need to develop technology-enriched learning environment's that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress (NET*S 2b). Creating the lesson plan using the ASSURE model relates to the NET*S standard stated earlier because when creating the lesson I had to put thought into what topic I was going to select and how I would integrate technology in the lesson. Well, because the assure model helped me integrate technology into my lesson because it created a structure. Also, the objectives in my lesson plan allowed students to have curiosity and creativity because it allowed them to create and explore their own word document and digital spreadsheet. Since they were allowed to create their own word document and design a digital spreadsheet the students were active participants in their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
In conclusion, my overall experience in creating my lesson plan was positive. I was able to learn how to create a lesson using the assure model. I also was allowed to use some technologies that I learned from the class. Lastly, I was able to understand that creating this lesson had purpose because it related to the NET*S. Therefore, creating this lesson plan will help me in the future to integrate technology into my lessons allowing students to later integrate technology into their lives. As a teacher if I use the assure model and integrate technology into my lesson plans, my students will develop important technology skills that they can use in the future.


Gibson, S, & Dyck, B. (2009). Preparing preservice teachers for teaching in a digital age. NECC
Research Paper Archives, Retrieved from

The Iste national educational technology standards (nets*t) and performance indicators for
teachers. (2008). Retrieved from

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